So this is a great game that you and your friends can play the next time your out at a bar/pub drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon, it's called Hipster Bingo. If you don't know what a Hipster is you can find the definition for Hipster here. With that out of the way just go to the link below and print out your Hipster Bingo Cards. Follow the directions on the site to get different versions of the Hipster Bingo Cards to print out. Enjoy!
Hipster Bingo Cards
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Friday, November 30, 2007
Hipster Bingo
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3:01 PM
Labels: Humor
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
What to do with your Junk Mail
I don't know about you but, my mail box is constantly filled with junk mail consisting from pre-approved credit card offers to vote for me literature from politicians. Well just don't throw that junk mail away! Mail it back to the people that send it to you.
You can either just write Return To Sender on the front of the envelope and put it in a mail box or you can mail those business reply envelops back to them(which they've already nicely paid postage for). The latter option is my favorite. I usually fill those postage paid business reply letters with the stuff they sent me, shredded up of course, right back to them. You can mail anything you'd like back to them actually within the business reply letters. Fill it with the obituaries, the personal section from your local weekly or maybe some pages ripped out of your least favorite porn magazine. Just remember don't put your return address or your name on any of the material you mail back to them.
You should try it sometimes, it can be really satisfying.
Mail On!
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3:36 PM
DialAFlight Australia
I've always wanted to fly to Australia, really is there any other way to get there? So in doing some research I came across, Dialaflight which is a leading independent UK travel company. They offer cheap flights to Sydney and to other parts of Australia. In order to make arrangements you need to call them directly. By speaking to you directly they are able to make sure that your trip is tailor made specifically for you.
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3:01 PM
Labels: PayPerPost
365 Days
So Meany Quinn over at 365 days has finally finished a whole year of photographic self-portraits. He's currently going to keep on doing this project of photographing himself everyday. Before anyone says it, yes I know this isn't an original concept but I still have to give him credit for doing it. So when you get a chance goon over and tell him congrates!
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2:57 PM
Police Gear
Are you a cop? Or maybe you work in some other type of law inforcement. Perhaps you work for a secret government agency? Well if so than I have the website for you. There you will find all sorts of gear for your law enforcement needs. They have galco holster, tactical pants and shirts, watches and tons of gun holsters. So go check it out.
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1:50 PM
Labels: PayPerPost
Yes this is going to sound like a sales pitch but what the hell, right. So about a few weeks ago I singed up with this site called Blingo, which is basically a search site. Blingo's schtick is that you can win prizes with each search you do while signed into their site. Their prizes range from $10 iTunes gift certificates or a movie ticket up to a iPod Nano or a PSP handheld. So today I ended up winning a free movie ticket. I had a chance to take a $10 iTunes gift certificate, but even though I'm a huge fan of Apple I don't like the fact that they attach Digital Rights management onto all the stuff you purchase from the iTunes store.
How about this sign up for Blingo and then do a search for Apple Digital Rights management iTunes and see what you come up with. That's sure to waste some of your time.
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12:59 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Garage Flooring
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Does your garage floor look like it's put up with alot of abuse. Does it have oil stains, cracks and other blemishes. Well check out the garage flooring tiles that you can cover your old concrete floor with, in order to give it a fresh new look. They also sell a professional grade epoxy that will protect newer concrete floors and also make it easy to clean.
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3:41 PM
Labels: PayPerPost
Never Ever Revealed Houdini Card Trick
Here's a great little how to video of a magic card trick. This is a never ever ever revealed Houdini card Trick. If kyou don't know who Houdini is than you probably should go and watch another video because this obviously isn't for you. Now watch closely because once you learn this you will be able to amaze all your friends and small animals with it.
Can also be viewed here
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3:34 PM
Labels: PayPerPost
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Payday Loan Quotes
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Are you looking for a payday loan, but you want to find out how much your fees are going to be? Well over at PayDay Loan Quotes they offer a payday loan fee calculator which will give you multiple quotes on payday loans. Once you accept a payday loan the money can be electronically deposited and repaid from your checking account. How easy is that! To find out more just click the following link: Faxless Payday Loans
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10:50 AM
Labels: PayPerPost
Strange Laws
There are tons of strange laws on the books here in the good ole United States of America. You here about them and it makes you wonder if they had to create that law because someone actually went and did it. It's just idiotic some of these laws like the one of it being illegal to push moose out of helicopters or you can't shoot bunnies from motor boats. Here's a video detailing some of the strange laws that can be found here in the U.S.A
Can also be viewed here
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10:38 AM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Cartridge Finder
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If you have an ink jet printer at home that you use all the time. You know how expensive it is to buy new cartridges. Or is you have an older model printer it's some times difficult to still find your printer cartridges in stock at your local office supply store. Thats where Cartridge Finder comes in. There you will find the cartridges you need for your printer and also find the best prices for them too.
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11:23 AM
Labels: PayPerPost
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Leave Jesus Alone
First it was that guy who pleaded with you to just leave Britney alone. Well guess what now Satan himself is getting in on the act to. Here he is pleading with you to just leave Jesus of Nazareth alone. I'm sure this guy will be going to hell for this one. But please feel free to watch it anyway.
Can also be viewed here
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12:04 AM
Friday, November 9, 2007
End of year reminder for small business owners
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Are you an S corporation? Or maybe you plan on becoming one this year, just like the other 300,000 businesses that plan on doing it. This choice can save you thousands of dollars a year but it also comes with extra paperwork and a separate tax form, which needs to be files a month earlier than the April 15 deadline that everyone else is used to. Aside from the extra paperwork and March 15th deadline becoming a S corporation is still a good idea for a small business owner.
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12:48 PM
Labels: PayPerPost
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Google Adsense Video Units
So just recently Google's Adsense has instituted a feature called video units. What this means is that you can now included YouTube videos on your blog and make money from the ads that are on them. I've been wondering how long it would take Google to start putting ads on YouTube videos. This seems like a great way for bloggers to make a little extra money, because we all put a YouTube video on our blogs from time to time, so why not get paid for it.ALthough I have yet seen this new featured showcased on any blogs yet.
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11:59 AM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Paid Advertisement
Do you have bad credit or know someone who does. If so than you should check out this website that offers bad credit loans. This site is a great resource to help people with bad credit get back on their feet. On the site you can find all sorts of loans from home loans to personal loans.
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1:24 PM
Labels: PayPerPost
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Aesop Rock - None Shall Pass
Check this out. Aesop Rock's new album is un stores now! Brand new album by Aesop Rock. This is the video for the title track - available for download at Directed by Ordinary Kids (SF) with Aesop Rock and featuring the very cool art of Jeremy Fish. Mixed media video features animation and live action.
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9:01 PM