Monday, February 5, 2007

10 Things Not To Say To A Naked Guy

Ok women get out your pencil and pad of paper and begin taking notes.

You can also watch it here

1 comment:

Bobby Griffin said...

Hi there,
Bobby from Bestest Blog here. I just wanted to let you know that your blog has fallen out of the Top 100 Premium Blogs, and thus will not appear in my sidebar any more.

While this won't affect the number of hits you get from the Random Blog Button, it could affect your traffic in other ways. For starters, since you're not in the sidebar, your link isn't front and center for everyone to click on. Losing this link could also inadvertently affect your Google Page Rank, lowering the number of hits you receive from search engines.

Remember, you can always add to your previous need to start from scratch! Hopefully you've been enjoying the amount of traffic you've received from my site and will consider making an additional donation and help out a poor high school teacher... If not, that's ok too! Thanks for reading and keep up the great blogging!